Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipe (2024)

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posted by Amy Johnsonon November 20, 2022 57 comments »

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Homemade Cranberry Sauce is a sweet, tart and colorful addition to any holiday meal. And when it comes to preparing the traditional holiday meal, Homemade Cranberry Sauce has got to be the easiest, if not most colorful, dish to prepare. It only requires five ingredients and comes together in no time.

This homemade Cranberry Sauce recipe only requires five ingredients (and one of them is water) to make this perky festive dish to perfectly complement your holiday turkey, rib roast or ham. But I have to say, even though it is traditionally meant to be one of turkey’s favorite partners (along with gravy) this Cranberry Sauce is an excellent addition to ice cream, pound cake, or drizzled over pancakes. Talk about the perfect use for all of those Thanksgiving leftovers!

Homemade Cranberry Sauce

Like I said, this homemade Cranberry Sauce is incredibly easy to make. It is also a bit of fun as you hear the cranberries pop, pop, pop! I remember the first time I made this sauce from scratch and wondered what the sound was as I was washing dishes nearby. I kept returning to the stove to figure out if something was wrong with my stove or pan, until it finally dawned on me that it was the cranberries heating up. So be sure to have the kids (safely) close by so they can hear the cranberries talk!

What to Serve With Cranberry Sauce

With it’s sweet and tart flavors, Cranberry Sauce is a lovely compliment to a savory meal. Our family enjoys it during the holiday season especially with beef and poultry. For a Thanksgiving celebration this delicious sauce pairs well with my Mayonnaise Roasted Turkey.Sweet Potato Casserole, Cheese Broccoli Casserole, Southern Green Beans and Sausage and Mushroom Stuffing round out the menu for a meal our family looks forward to each year.

How to Make Cranberry Sauce

As I mentioned before, Cranberry Sauce is super easy to make and can easily be made ahead of serving time by up to a week, then kept refrigerated in an airtight container until ready to serve. It sure does make holiday meals easy when any dish can be prepared ahead of time to cut down on preparation the day of the big gathering. Cranberry Sauce may be enjoy chilled, at room temperature or rewarmed before serving.

Ingredients for Cranberry Sauce

  • granulated sugar
  • water
  • orange juice
  • fresh cranberries (frozen may be substituted)
  • ground cinnamon

Instructions for Cranberry Sauce

  1. To make this colorful sauce, bring sugar, water, and orange juice to a boil in a saucepan. Add the cranberries and a bit of cinnamon, then bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 15 minutes. The sauce will thicken up nicely as it cooks and even more once it cools. If a smoother consistency is desired, use a potato masher or a heavy flat-bottomed glass to mash the cranberries even more.
  2. Allow the sauce to cool completely before serving or refrigerating. Once cooled, cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Cranberry Sauce can be made up to 7 days ahead of time and kept refrigerated in an airtight container until ready to enjoy.

See how easy it is? It’s so easy I don’t know why we don’t make Cranberry Sauce all year long! As I mentioned before, try this sauce over ice cream, pound cake or pancakes, or as a bright addition to a sandwich.

More delicious sauce recipes to try:

  • Roasted Strawberry Sauce
  • Easy Mustard Dipping Sauce
  • Turkey Gravy
  • Honey Caramel Sauce

Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipe

Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipe (5)

Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce

Yield: 8

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

This colorfultraditional holiday side dish is quick to make with only a few simple ingredients.


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup fresh orange juice
  • 12-ounces fresh cranberries (frozen may be substituted)
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon


  1. Bring sugar, water and orange juice to a boil in a medium saucepan.
  2. Add cranberries and cinnamon. Bring to a simmer and cook stirring occasionally for about 10-15 minutes, until sauce thickens.*
  3. Remove from heat and allow to cool completely. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.


Makes about 21/4 cups.

This homemade Cranberry Sauce can be made up to 7 days ahead of time and kept refrigerated in an airtight container until ready to serve.

*If a smoother consistency is desired, use a potato masher or a heavy flat-bottomed glass to mash the sauce to preference.

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Originally published November 18, 2014.

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Side Dishes

published on November 20, 2022

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Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipe (9)


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57 comments on “Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipe”

  1. AmberReply

    I noticed the sauce doesn’t thicken after 15 minutes, but that just means it’s not done cooking yet, it will eventually start to thicken just keep cooking it until it does.

  2. KelleyReply

    Does it still work with bottled orange juice? Does it HAVE to be fresh? If so, can you please explain why?

  3. Owen CarverReply

    The orange juice is a great addition here! Your photos are absolutely amazing.

  4. Ann GrassieReply

    Great easy recipe! I went a step further and cut the amount of sugar by half. I added half 16 oz jar of orange marmala to boost the orange flavor a bit more. Delicious!

  5. Alice MillerReply

    This is almost exactly how I make it, however I add orange peel (or tangerine, whatever is laying around). It adds so much flavor. Depending on how sweet the orange juice is I reduce the sugar by 1/4 cup. I live in California and only do fresh squeezed juice and the sweetness varies considerably. I also use a potato masher to thoroughly mash things up.

  6. Alice MillerReply

    This is almost exactly how I make it. However, I add grated orange peel (or tangerine, whatever is laying around). Depending on the sweetness of the juice I also reduce the sugar by 1/4 cup. I live in California and only use fresh squeezed juice and the sweetness varies considerably by the type of orange and the season. I also use a potato masher to thoroughly mash things up.

  7. JacksReply

    Delicious and simple recipe. I love these types of recipes

  8. betsyReply

    I add a little oragne ZEST as well

  9. C FredReply

    I’m the only one at the Thanksgiving table who likes cranberry sauce, but I’ve made this the last 3 or 4 years for myself to have at dinner. So yummy every time!

  10. KenReply

    I wanted to try making this so I could know the difference between homemade and canned sauce. I was a bit skeptical at first when dumping in the fresh cranberries (not knowing how they would cook), but the result is spectacularly delicious. Thanks for this!

  11. Beth VanderlindenReply

    I have made this several times and my family loves it. The cinnamon really adds a nice kick. I have also zested orange into it also. Thank you for a wonderful recipe.

  12. Janet MeyenReply

    Can I substitute Splenda for the sugar?

    • Amy Johnson

      I have not tested using sugar substitutes so I’m not sure how it would turn out, especially it thickening up.

  13. NancyReply

    I add dried cherries to mine and zest along with orange juice.

  14. LinReply

    I just made this today so it’s ready for Thanksgiving. Never made it before and I’m so glad I picked your recipe. It is excellent! Thank you!

  15. DebbieReply

    So much better than canned. You can adjust the flavors to your liking! Thanks!

  16. RobinReply

    Absolutely delicious. My most fav Thanksgiving dish. Love this recipe. Just perfect. I cut the cinnamon in half. Just my preference. Don’t look any further. Make this one for the rest of forever. Lol. Thank you for this.

  17. NancyReply

    Good recipe. I add dried cherries to mine. Adds a nice sweetness to counteract the tart cranberries.

  18. KimberlyReply

    Can you freeze any leftovers!

    • Amy Johnson

      Yes. Freeze cooled cranberry sauce in an airtight freezer container or zip-top plastic bag for up to three months.

  19. RainReply

    I make this with watermelon apple or pineapple juice. It’s better than orange juice. No matter where we have our holiday dinners I’m always asked to make cranberries! Try it!!

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Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipe (2024)


How do you take the bitterness out of homemade cranberry sauce? ›

"Instead, start by stirring in one tablespoon maple syrup and one teaspoon of a sweet drink like apple juice, orange juice, or fruity white or red wine. Add more to taste. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt (in small amounts, it intensifies sweetness)."

How to thicken homemade cranberry sauce? ›

Dissolve 1 to 2 tablespoons of cornstarch (depending on desired consistency of cranberry sauce) in an equal amount of cold water. Stir cornstarch paste into cranberries to thicken, then remove from heat and allow to cool about 20-30 minutes.

What is cranberry sauce made of? ›

The most basic cranberry sauce consists of cranberries boiled in sugar water until the berries pop and the mixture thickens. Some recipes include other ingredients such as slivered almonds, orange juice, orange zest, ginger, maple syrup, port, or cinnamon.

Why didn t my homemade cranberry sauce thicken? ›

Try reducing the sauce down even further so more of the liquid cooks off and the mixture thickens. If that doesn't work, add a thickener like gelatin, pectin or a cornstarch slurry (cornstarch whisked into juice or water). Let the sauce cool before refrigerating to completely set.

How to reduce tartness in cranberry sauce? ›

And one last overlooked remedy for cranberry sauce: a pinch of salt. While you won't taste it, salt helps equalize the sweet-tart flavor of your cranberry sauce while making it a better pairing for the rest of your savory sides and, of course, the turkey.

Is cranberry sauce supposed to be sweet or sour? ›

Cranberry sauce is supposed to be a balance of sweet and tart. The sauce acts as a cleansing port in a tumultuous storm of fat and salt, but the effect is lost if the sauce is too sweet. Luckily, there is a very easy way to fix an over-sugared homemade sauce: You just need a little citric acid.

How long does homemade cranberry sauce last? ›

When to Toss Cranberry Sauce. Cranberry sauce will last for two hours at room temperature. Homemade cranberry sauce will last in the fridge for 10 to 14 days. Canned cranberry sauce that has been opened will last up to a week in the fridge.

What is the difference between jellied cranberry sauce and whole cranberry sauce? ›

The major variation you're likely to come across is "whole berry" versus "jellied." The only difference between them is that the jellied sauce is cooked until the berries have completely broken down. They both slide out of the can as a wobbly red cylinder.

How to improve cranberry sauce from a can? ›

Adding a teaspoon or two of fresh lemon or orange zest, a tablespoon of chopped candied peel, or even a splash of juice to your canned sauce will brighten flavors and bring in some homemade flavor.

Is canned cranberry sauce better than homemade? ›

When it comes to choosing between canned and fresh cranberry sauce, taste and nutrition are often key factors. Let's break down the differences: Taste: Fresh cranberry sauce typically has a brighter, more tart flavor taste, while canned sauce is often sweeter and has a more uniform texture.

Why does my cranberry sauce taste weird? ›

If your cranberry sauce has an odd flavor, consider checking the quality of your cranberries, the amount of sugar and water used, and the cooking time and temperature. Ensure you're using fresh cranberries and following the recipe for sugar and water measurements.

How to tell if cranberry sauce is bad? ›

If you open the can and the sauce appears discolored, or the smell or taste seems off, go ahead and toss it.

Why does my cranberry sauce have a bitter aftertaste? ›

Dear Evelyn: I had the same problem when I first started making my own cranberry sauce. I found out that you should cook them just until they pop. Further cooking will make them bitter, and once that happens, you need to start again.

How do you counteract bitterness in sauce? ›

Sweetness: From sugar, honey, fruits or otherwise, sweetness will counteract bitter and sour flavours. It can also be used to cut down the heat of a particularly spicy meal. Saltiness: Salt plays two very important roles in flavouring a dish. Firstly, it balances against bitterness.

How do you make homemade sauce less bitter? ›

Add Some Baking Soda

If your tomato sauce is too acidic and verging on bitter, turn to baking soda, not sugar. Yes, sugar might make the sauce taste better, but good old baking soda is an alkaline that will help balance the excess acid. A little pinch should do the trick.

Why does my homemade sauce taste bitter? ›

Leaf states that this can be due to burning the sauce in the pot or simply dealing with a batch of produce that are overly acidic or metallic from canning or cooking. This can also come from under-ripe or low-quality tomatoes, as well as stirring in a hefty amount of tomato paste, per Boss The Kitchen.

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